CD Cover of LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind  
America's First Buddhist Rock Band™
LEVEL 2 = Christ Killer


Land  Of  Mediocrity

by The Hippy Coyote

It's the top of the ladder
On a Utah ant hill
A good view of the Temple
Little blonde kids
Require steady income
You work - life is simple

Artistic dreams and creativity
Tickle your short spare time
Until freedom's brevity requires commitment
Or costs more than a dime

Then ambition must be stopped
All dreams must wait
The family unit comes first
Quitting is easy
Phone calls unreturned
When a dream is allowed to burst

Artistic dreams and creativity
Tickle your short spare time
Until freedom's brevity requires commitment
Or costs more than a dime

It's a narrow world
The land of mediocrity
A desert of beautiful stones
Carved by the Lord
You're only a pebble
You don't want to be all alone


It's the top of the ladder
On a Utah ant hill
A good view of the Temple
Little blonde kids
Require steady income
You work - life is simple

Artistic dreams and creativity
Tickle your short spare time
Until freedom's brevity requires commitment
Or costs more than a dime

It's a narrow world
The land of mediocrity
A desert of beautiful stones
Carved by the Lord
You're only a pebble
You don't want to be all alone

Coyote's Logo
The Coyote

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End of The Line album cover
End of the Line
American Zen

11 songs to kick your ass
or donkey, or horse...

From the Kung Fu Cowboy.
Recorded in his truck.



King Solomon's Temple ALBUM
Kung Fu Cowboy

music album








Coyote versus the Utah Mormons
American Zen's debut album:
LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind
A hippie in Utah