CD Cover of LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind  
America's First Buddhist Rock Band™
LEVEL 2 = Christ Killer


33  Bass  Players

by The Hippy Coyote

True story. We auditioned 33 bass players when I moved to Utah.

Then I gave up.

Then I wrote this song.

Then I went out and rented a tape recorder from a music store.

I recorded the bass parts to our songs so we could have a bass player in our Salt Lake club gigs.

It was kinda cool. We had the invisible bass player.

Not as good as having Tom Calder, but I had to perform in the clubs.

Eventually, the drummer, whose dad was a Bishop, and the guitarist, who was a restaurant manager, were told to quit my band by their Mormon leaders.

I performed solo gigs until they banned me for that too.

Coyote's Logo
The Coyote


p.s. This song has words, but once again, I decided to sing this song with my flute.

Tom Calder tried to lay a bass part on this when he was in Salt Lake to cut the other tracks. We decided to leave this song 'bassless' to portray what we were missing.

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End of The Line album cover
End of the Line
American Zen

11 songs to kick your ass
or donkey, or horse...

From the Kung Fu Cowboy.
Recorded in his truck.



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Kung Fu Cowboy

music album








Coyote versus the Utah Mormons
American Zen's debut album:
LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind
A hippie in Utah