CD Cover of LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind  


LEVEL 3 Webstory:

My First Erection

by The Happy Hippie Hippy Coyote

I really don't remember how old I was--
but I remember the feeling and the--

Well, I was in our living room.
Allied Gardens.
I love that name.
San Carlos was over the hill,
Del Cerro up the mountain...

It has a ring to it.
Maybe it's because I think of all the pot plants
we grew in our backyards.

Billy J. had his mom really duped.
She was watering his pot plants so much
that Billy never had to.

I knew my parents didn't 'know'
What a pot plant looked like--
But my mom was an excellent gardener
And my dad planted all the big trees and bushes--
So I knew that they'd notice them.

'course I had gotten pretty good at lieing to my parents.

That's a topic.
Let's come back to that 'lieing' thing later.

Pot plants.

Oh yeah, this is supposed to be about my first BONER.

Well, fact is, Pot is a REAL APHRODISIAC.

The government's spent millions of dollars trying to find something wrong with marijuana, yet, all the 'facts' they've promoted on the news and in the newspapers turned out to be LIES. All the evidence showing that marijuana is not harmful has been suppressed.

Good thing I outgrew that lieing thing. That must be what drives people to be politicians. They discover at a young age that successful lieing can lead to success and then they discover that since politics is a Game/Job of words--that their talents can be utilized!

Actually, the truth is too often related to one's current circumstance. If someone is going to shoot you with a gun if you don't say, "God save the King!" - - well you'll probably start proclaiming that the King is actually God's incarnation on earth...

I discovered, once I moved away from my parents, that in order to live a life of truth, you've got to create a world around you that you can be truthful within.

Since I like to smoke pot, I keep friends that aren't going to 'narc' on me and don't invite my parents over for dinner parties.

Oh, yeah, the boner thing.

How'd I get sidetracked?

Oh yeah, pot and boners. They're a combo.

Ask my ex-wife Raquel. She would stop by occasionally after we broke up. She'd always bring over some really good pot, or hashish...just to get me horny.

It's easier for me to say to "No" when I 'm straight.

And NO, pot doesn't lead to harder drugs. That "no" thing is based on the fact that pot makes you more sensual.

Marijuana IS AN APHRODISIAC. Uh-oh, the government doesn't want you to know that. They spent millions, maybe billions by now, trying to find something wrong with marijuana. They discovered two things:
     1. The oil from hemp could replace gasoline and solve the energy crisis. (They don't want that since they own all the petroleum...)
     2. Marijuana is an aprhodisiac.

Uh-oh. If the Federal Bureau of Intimidation notices I said that--I wonder if my phone is tapped?


No thanks.

That's another good thing about marijuana. It is the opposite of paranoia. 90% of all mental illness would be better treated by THC than whatever they're prescribing to people.

Okay. back to my boner.

I was probably about 5 years old.

Just guessing.

But I remember the scene vividly.

I got this euphoric feeling that started in my groin and filled my body with a tingly sensation.

I was alone in the living room and I felt so 'light' and fluffy that I thought I might be able to fly.

Literally. Fly.

Well, being little science boy, I had to put this theory to the test.

I climbed up on the sofa and jumped a few times.

Despite my heady feeling I had to face the facts. I was plummeting just as fast as usual.

It wasn't for another half dozen years that I discovered what a boner (erection) was. I realized that this same feeling was what I had experienced and so I'm calling it my first boner.

Logo of The Coyote
The Coyote

p.s. Tom is writing a really funny bunch of stories for his section of the website called, THE GOATWEED CHRONICLES. He's been experimenting with that Viagra stuff which is primarily based on a chemical in goatweed that prolongs erections. Check out Tom Calder's, THE GOATWEED CHRONICLES, inside the American Zen website.

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CD IMPRINT Label of American Zen Level 3
CD Album Title:  "LEVEL 3 = I Want You To Love Me"
Artist:  American Zen
Record Company:  Shaolin Records
Released:  September 11, 2008

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