We interrupt this LEVEL of enlightenment to bring you a special announcement:
Coyote has recorded a BRAND NEW ALBUM of BRAND NEW SONGS.
The album is:
End of the Line by American Zen.

This album wasn't supposed to happen. Shaolin Records was supposed to release the almost finished album, LEVEL 4 = Kung Fu Cowboy PART 2: 3rd Degree Master Mason.
2010 was an amazing year as Coyote also wrote several poetry books, and was hiring a new Board of Trustees for Tai Chi Youth nonprofit organization. But in 2011, despite ads, City Councils Meetings, Mason events, and the YMCA where he taught... Coyote could not launch Tai Chi Youth despite his best efforts.
The Catholic Church did provide substantial money to Coyote so he could get his ex-wife and son off the street and into a North Hollywood apartment. "Thank you!"
Coyote moved to San Diego to seek the support of his family, relatives and childhood chums. This resulted in leg injuries, torn arm ligaments, and a scorpion sting to his neck... and no support for Tai Chi Youth.
So Coyote returned to Los Angeles to reenter the movie business. Coyote cowrote the Kung Fu Cowboy Rock & Roll Movie 1 screenplay with Scott Karahadian. This screenplay has been budgeted at $12.5 mil with Coyote being pushed up into the Executive Producer chair, starring in the movie and supplying all the music.
Several songs on the album are from this first Kung Fu Cowboy movie with several other songs written for the sequels. Add a couple love songs and a couple songs about his current life and friends... and you have the END OF THE LINE album by American Zen.
The journey that inspired this album was hard and treacherous. The making of this album was difficult and awkward. Then Coyote tried to make a deal with a studio to mix the album... but they "got into a financial crunch" and couldn't afford their electric bill. Coyote got locked out.
So the album was never mixed, never mastered, and it still sounds good. This may be the first album ever released without reverb. We never got a chance to finish putting the special effects on all the vocals or guitars...
As we prepare for the July 4, 2014 release of END OF THE LINE album, Coyote is still sleeping in his truck, and his ex-wife and son were evicted from their apartment two days ago...
Buy direct from Shaolin Records to receive
2 books: Supersoul 13, 4 Decades of Love
"Peace Of Mind #2," "Christ Killer,"
"I Want You To Love Me," "Kill The Spider," and "Don't Push Me"
Order direct from Shaolin Records
Shaolin Communications:

>>> Shaolin Records album webpage
>>> shaolinCOM.com album webpage
So here's a new batch of adventures of The Hippy Coyote who has become known as KUNG FU COWBOY. He's had to start his life over, eating granola and sardines while homeless, without a car, and without full-time employment and without...
Coyote's life has been a difficult struggle since 2011. He's been stung in the neck by a scorpion, ripped out the tendons of his legs and arms, had a bone chip knocked out of his ankle and watched his kids suffer in poverty and homelessness.
Despite all this hardship, frustration, loneliness, and poverty... Coyote has somehow kept smiling, kept working, kept writing, kept singing, and kept playing his guitar and flute. He's written the screenplay for Kung Fu Cowboy Rock & Roll Movie 1. Coyote wrote the book, Supersoul 13, in 2013, which is published and available as a Kindle book. Coyote wrote the 11 songs of this album and last week, on Memorial Day, Coyote wrote 8 songs and one poem in one day. This Memorial Day Album is currently getting bass tracks recorded onto it, (in Coyote's truck studio).
COYOTE UPDATE: Today I retured the bass to storage, before I get locked out on the 10th for nonpayment this month. The bass tracks were finished last night and I give a thousand thanks to my Ricky for being my best buddie. It was wonderful playing my bass again. Truly wonderful. Today I pulled out my Pleasant slide guitar so I can be Rory G. Then, before I'm locked out in a couple days I will swap the Pleasant for my Fender Strat and Marshall. When the final guitars are cut at Scott's apartment, I will record the vocals and the album is done? No drums? I'm not sure what do there.
COYOTE UPDATED UPDATE: I cut the slide guitar tracks after a magical day of playing a concert on penny whistle with an Irish band. Also discovered an amazing band from Orange County I'd like to produce...