Coyote logo by Coyote  

America's First Buddhist Rock Band™


Coyote Radio TUJUNGA

Solo Coyote

I've been sitting on this LIVE performance album for four years.

I would love to have some help.

I don't even know what I'm doing, until after I've done it. My mom taught me this skill. The skill is faith. Faith in yourself. I saw my mom build a patio, do brickwork, and explained to me that she was, "just doing it to get it done."

So, with that faith in myself, and belief in my abilities, some of which I don't even have yet, I'll jump on this record, this month and just "get it done."

I'm going to jump on this album, COYOTE RADIO TUJUNGA, before completing THIS ALBUM, KUNG FU COWBOY.

Coyote Logo


March 10, 2009

Update January 12, 2009:
No jump made, yet. I got another album also ready to mix and master:
AMERICAN ZEN REJECTS. This is all the demos that were rejected since 1977. This is a really diverse album with two songs from each year's demos.

As for CoyoteRadioTujunga, I did just renew the website domain name.

Sadly, I lost my Alvarez acoustic guitar last month. I may never ever own another one. That was my acoustic guitar for 36 years. We cut lots of albums, wrote lots of songs, performed lots of clubs and concerts...I love you. Goodbye.

Nope. I can't replace that acoustic guitar SO: I'm playing my Fender Stratocaster.

Update June 9, 2010:
I've just released the LEVEL 4 = KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE album.

Do I release this LIVE album now?




LEVEL 7 = End of the Line
Available at

Kung Fu Cowboy PART 1
LEVEL 4 = Kung Fu Cowboy
King Solomon's Temple

by American Zen


cd cover of American Zen's FIrst Album
American Zen's debut album:
LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind
A hippie in Utah


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