Coyote logo by Coyote  

America's First Buddhist Rock Band™


Songs and Poems of LEVEL 4 - PART 1

CD IMPRINT Label of American Zen Level 3Kung Fu Cowboy PART 1:  KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE

This is the WEBSITE CREATED BEFORE completing the American Zen album. The songs changed order. Some were added. Some songs and poems removed. I may reorder or recreate this later...

 1.  Kung Fu Cowboy

 2.  33 Bass Players poem

 3.  Kill The Spider

 4.  Boy And King poem

 5.  Elaine

 6.   A Lucky Man

 7.  My Life Belongs To Me

 8.  From Within

 9.  Romantic Kiss

10.  Spirit Gun

11.  Coyote Calligraphy in KUNG FU COWBOY ORIGINAL DRAFT book

12.  I've Been Thinkin'

13.  Courteously Thoughtful

14.  Acid

15.  Magnetism

16.  Fate

17.  Courage

18.  Cheerfulness

19.  Purity

20.  Resourcefulness

21.  Past Passed

22.  Accomplishment

23.  Prayer

24.  Universality


Note:   It's hard to say what a song or poem is now that Coyote is putting bass lines and background music to his poetry. When there is an existing song of the same title, recorded without the lyrics, such as "In The Darkness," the recorded spoken work lyrics will be titled, "In The Darkness poem."

Only a few poems are listed with the word, "poem" at the end.


LEVEL 7 = End of the Line
Available at

Kung Fu Cowboy PART 1
LEVEL 4 = Kung Fu Cowboy
King Solomon's Temple

by American Zen


cd cover of American Zen's FIrst Album
American Zen's debut album:
LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind
A hippie in Utah


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